We now have a shared collective trauma. This is how I see the effects of trauma every day. But how do we heal and move forward from here? Share your narratives.
Home Education Adventures in the UK.
We now have a shared collective trauma. This is how I see the effects of trauma every day. But how do we heal and move forward from here? Share your narratives.
There are definite barriers to home education, (needing to work outside the home to pay the bills, especially for single parent families, co-parenting with someone who refuses to support home education etc) but a lack of qualifications is not one of them.
Over planning things that sound good but you won’t actually do, is a waste of time and makes you feel bad. (Ask me how I know this…) Here’s what I suggest you do instead.
We talk about her new book Extraordinary Parenting, about writing it during lockdown and about how it is a unique source of comfort and support for parents and home educators during this pandemic.
GIVEAWAY! For an chance to win a copy of the book, go to our instagram @homeedvoicespodcast.
Many families are celebrating a variety of festivals over December and trying to add seasonal festivities on top of a full home ed life is likely to result in overwhelm.
Here are some things you can do to keep things calm(er)…
This week is a special mini episode all about going Not Back to School. I talk about making the most of the transitions of the seasons, and rec my favourite autumn books. I also talk about how to gently restart your home education rhythm at the start of a new academic year.