Online Pantos for You to Enjoy!

Online Pantos for You to Enjoy!

Despite many Pantos across the country being cancelled during the pandemic, there are still some to be found, both in person, and online!
(And the online ones are £15-25 per family, so much more affordable that traditional theatre pantos!)

Christmas Books to Reserve at the Library or Add to Your Collection

Christmas Books to Reserve at the Library or Add to Your Collection

Christmas books are a lovely part of the season for many families. These are some of our personal favourites.

Home Educating at the End of the Year – What’s in Rotation?

Home Educating at the End of the Year – What’s in Rotation?

In the last few weeks of 2020 (seriously – Bye 2020!) this is what we’re using in our home education.

Nature Study – Not just for science anymore

Nature Study – Not just for science anymore

Nature Study can be a great motivator to go outside even as the weather turns cold and wet. Need extra motivation? We have an app for that.

Minimal-schooling for the season

Minimal-schooling for the season

Minimal-schooling isn’t about making a special season of home educating. It is about recognising your own need for a season of self-care. It doesn’t necessarily mean covering less information, it means putting minimal effort into preparing that information for your children.