Nature Study – Not just for science anymore

Nature Study – Not just for science anymore

Nature Study can be a great motivator to go outside even as the weather turns cold and wet. Need extra motivation? We have an app for that.

Maybe Plan for Halloween Now?

Maybe Plan for Halloween Now?

For those of us who do Halloween, this years festival is probably going to be really weird.
So as parents we probably need to put our heads together and make a plan about what we’re going to do now.
We have some ideas!

Breathing out when ‘everyone else’ is breathing in

Breathing out when ‘everyone else’ is breathing in

It’s Public Service Announcement season here at Home Ed Voices! Here is your annual autumn reminder to look after your mental health!

Home ed rituals are magic

Home ed rituals are magic

If you find the children are struggling to stick with the routine going into this holiday season, and you’re not in the routine of including a ritual, it’s worth thinking about.

Embrace the Darker Evenings With a Lantern Walk

Embrace the Darker Evenings With a Lantern Walk

Now that the clocks have gone back, a Lantern Walk is a lovely way to embrace the darker evenings and remember that the more light will return in spring.

Reminder – Home Ed Kids and the Flu Vaccine

Reminder – Home Ed Kids and the Flu Vaccine

Reminder – If you want to have your children vaccinated against the likeliest strains of flu this winter, ring up your GP and book an appointment to get them vaccinated. (This is not an invitation to debate.)

Embracing Autumn (for reluctant transitioners)

Embracing Autumn (for reluctant transitioners)

It’s okay if you’re not psyched to be ‘back to school.’ Autumn isn’t for everyone. But here are some ways you can make it better.