Taking it easy with Exploring Nature with Children
Habits to stack this June – nature, exercise and good company. Here are a few easy tasks to help you tick those educational boxes too!
Home Education Adventures in the UK.
Habits to stack this June – nature, exercise and good company. Here are a few easy tasks to help you tick those educational boxes too!
Despite many Pantos across the country being cancelled during the pandemic, there are still some to be found, both in person, and online!
(And the online ones are £15-25 per family, so much more affordable that traditional theatre pantos!)
Christmas books are a lovely part of the season for many families. These are some of our personal favourites.
In the last few weeks of 2020 (seriously – Bye 2020!) this is what we’re using in our home education.
Nature Study can be a great motivator to go outside even as the weather turns cold and wet. Need extra motivation? We have an app for that.
For those of us who do Halloween, this years festival is probably going to be really weird.
So as parents we probably need to put our heads together and make a plan about what we’re going to do now.
We have some ideas!
It’s Public Service Announcement season here at Home Ed Voices! Here is your annual autumn reminder to look after your mental health!
The Home Ed Voices team are on their summer break, but will be back on 4th August 2020!
In the meantime here is a selection of useful and good things from our archives you might find useful.
Windrush Day is on 22nd June and celebrates the arrival of HMT Windrush, which brought people from Jamaica, who had been encouraged by the British government to live and work the UK after the end of the second world war.
Here are some resources you can use to learn about the lives and legacy of the people who moved here.
If you’re looking for a fun way to celebrate Pancake Day 2020 with your children, we’ve got you covered with a poem, some maths, kitchen chemistry and more!