REMINDER – HOME ED KIDS AND THE FLU VACCINE (and other vaccinations you might not know about)

REMINDER – HOME ED KIDS AND THE FLU VACCINE (and other vaccinations you might not know about)

Reminder – If you want to have your children vaccinated against the likeliest strains of flu this winter, ring up your GP and book an appointment to get them vaccinated. Also information on other vaccines that school kids get offered that you need to ask your GP for.
(This is not an invitation to debate.)

Transitioning out of trauma

Transitioning out of trauma

We now have a shared collective trauma. This is how I see the effects of trauma every day. But how do we heal and move forward from here? Share your narratives.

One last trick up my sleeve –

One last trick up my sleeve –

If you too have run out of ways to keep the daily exercise fresh, an OS map could be the answer to the daily walk humdrum. Here’s how.

Online Pantos for You to Enjoy!

Online Pantos for You to Enjoy!

Despite many Pantos across the country being cancelled during the pandemic, there are still some to be found, both in person, and online!
(And the online ones are £15-25 per family, so much more affordable that traditional theatre pantos!)

Interesting Stuff – November 2020

Interesting Stuff – November 2020

An ebook bundle you don’t want to miss, a great deal on a fantastic book, how to make these winter holidays feel special, and a metaphor.

Home Educating at the End of the Year – What’s in Rotation?

Home Educating at the End of the Year – What’s in Rotation?

In the last few weeks of 2020 (seriously – Bye 2020!) this is what we’re using in our home education.

Info About Buying Books this Winter & the Education Committee Call for Evidence regarding Elective Home Education

Info About Buying Books this Winter & the Education Committee Call for Evidence regarding Elective Home Education

Two useful bits of info for home ed parents – getting the books you want this winter, and a call for evidence regarding elective home education from the Government education committee.

Nature Study – Not just for science anymore

Nature Study – Not just for science anymore

Nature Study can be a great motivator to go outside even as the weather turns cold and wet. Need extra motivation? We have an app for that.

Maybe Plan for Halloween Now?

Maybe Plan for Halloween Now?

For those of us who do Halloween, this years festival is probably going to be really weird.
So as parents we probably need to put our heads together and make a plan about what we’re going to do now.
We have some ideas!

Science at Home: IF Oxford 2020

Science at Home: IF Oxford 2020

Running throughout October, IF Oxford is online this year, which means that you don’t even have to be local to take part!