Guestpost – How to Plan a Unit Study
Friend of the blog, Daksina shows you how she makes unit studies for her family.
Home Education Adventures in the UK.
Friend of the blog, Daksina shows you how she makes unit studies for her family.
Whether you’re an established home educator, or directly affected by the pandemic school closures, this unit study on corona virus will give your family a wealth of cross-curriculum ideas to learn about what is turned our world upside down right now.
Grab a warm drink or maybe your lunch and take half an hour with Daksina’s video, as she walks you through how she uses her planner for home ed planning.
…I had a spare notebook lying around, so I put it in the kitchen and that evening, I told everyone that this book was a Family Book and for everyone to use as they wanted to. There was no pressure to use it, no nagging, no spelling/grammar police, no rules!