Tag: home ed planning

Don’t Over Plan the Fun Stuff, (and what to do instead.)

Don’t Over Plan the Fun Stuff, (and what to do instead.)

Over planning things that sound good but you won’t actually do, is a waste of time and makes you feel bad. (Ask me how I know this…) Here’s what I suggest you do instead.

Rockin’ Home Ed Record Keeping

Rockin’ Home Ed Record Keeping

Whether you’re off of school or just having an off day; whether you’re on holiday or having a season of life where you wish you were, an app could help you sift home ed gold from the day so you can rest secure in the knowledge your time was not lost even if it wasn’t spent to plan.

Home Educations Planners 101 Pt4 – 4 Planner Pages that will make you more Productive and save you Money (if you use them)

Home Educations Planners 101 Pt4 – 4 Planner Pages that will make you more Productive and save you Money (if you use them)

Here are some planner pages from the Home Education Printable Planner that can save you money, and make the most of the things you have. You can download these pages to try yourself, at the bottom of the post.

Home Education Planners 101 Part 3: – 22 useful things to put in a Home Ed Bullet Journal

Home Education Planners 101 Part 3: – 22 useful things to put in a Home Ed Bullet Journal

Having used a general bullet journal since 2014, I started using a separate Home Ed bullet journal 6 months ago. Here I give you 22 ideas for useful things to have in your home ed bullet journal, as well as ways to use it every day.