Tag: home educations uk

Home Ed Voices Podcast – (Season 2) Episode 20 – Ashleigh (@Wild.Wood.Childhood)

Home Ed Voices Podcast – (Season 2) Episode 20 – Ashleigh (@Wild.Wood.Childhood)

This is episode 20 and this week I’m talking to Ashleigh from @wild.wood.childhood. We talk about home educating alongside a sibling in school, home edding foundation and year 1 on a very small budget, and the fear of missing out, and how it can mess with your confidence and cost you money.

Home Ed Voices Podcast – (Season 2) Episode 17 – Katie (@Learnwhatyoulive)

Home Ed Voices Podcast – (Season 2) Episode 17 – Katie (@Learnwhatyoulive)

This is episode 17 and this week I’m talking to Katie from @learnWhatYouLive on Instragram. We talk about GCSE and how home edders tackle exams. We talk about moving from our careers outside the home to home education and the vulnerability of not knowing what you might do after, and we have audio book recs galore!

How I Narrowly Escaped the Analysis Paralysis of Curriculum Shopping (and you can too)

How I Narrowly Escaped the Analysis Paralysis of Curriculum Shopping (and you can too)

As most of you, dear readers, are preparing for a new season of sowing seeds, my advice is to look forward to the harvest! There are many shiny maths and science and history and English curricula, oh so many, and if you feel your brain melting over which will be the best for your child, stop, take a breath, and ask yourself what you hope to harvest.