Interesting stuff – the April 2020 roundup

Honest and heartbreaking Twitter thread about the effect of the pandemic on children and their parents, and the shaming that can come from talking about it.
Letter #1265 at Captain Awkward was about parenting and sharing household chores during lockdown, which included a great reminder about how much work goes into looking after kids and the home.
One day a computer will fit on a desk (1974) – a fantastic short clip making predictions in 1974 about what life in 2001 will be like.
We’ve been really into this pom pom making you tube channel.
Ideas for supporting children on video calls from Adele Jarrett-Kerr.
Making and Keeping a Hobby book from What do we do all day?
Fascinating twitter thread about how difficult it is to counteract trolling, from someone who did their thesis on it. Show this to your tweens and teens.
…And I found Ross Mountney’s blog post ‘Why you shouldn’t worry about ‘getting behind” a reassuring reminder.