Tag: home educating teens

Home Ed Voices Podcast – (Season 2) Episode 17 – Katie (@Learnwhatyoulive)

Home Ed Voices Podcast – (Season 2) Episode 17 – Katie (@Learnwhatyoulive)

This is episode 17 and this week I’m talking to Katie from @learnWhatYouLive on Instragram. We talk about GCSE and how home edders tackle exams. We talk about moving from our careers outside the home to home education and the vulnerability of not knowing what you might do after, and we have audio book recs galore!

Home Ed Voices Podcast – (Season 2) Episode 16 – Lexi (@CaribbeanHomeEducator)

Home Ed Voices Podcast – (Season 2) Episode 16 – Lexi (@CaribbeanHomeEducator)

This is episode 16 and this week I’m talking to Lexy from @caribbeanhomeeducator on Instragram. We talk about home educating older children alongside infant twins, how to event plan when home ed freedom can also mean flakiness, the importance of downtime and rest, and support for home ed parents of black and mixed race children.

Home Ed Voices Podcast – (Season 2) Episode 15 – Kelly (@theWoodSideStories)

Home Ed Voices Podcast – (Season 2) Episode 15 – Kelly (@theWoodSideStories)

This is episode number 15 and this week I’m talking to Kelly who is @thewoodsidestories on Instragram. We talk about the journey from school at home to something more unique to your family, and how as the home ed parent you need to give your self grace and time to find out what works, we chat about the importance of finding mentors for your home ed family in the wider community around you, and the value of exploring community spaces when everyone else is in school, and we talk about what life is like home educating in rural, and more isolated areas of the country.